Rated R
Stars: Kevin Hart, Joy Bryant, Michael Ealy, Regina Hall
Plot: Two couples head in different directions with their relationships.
Clint Says: Wait for the DVD
ABOUT LAST NIGHT is one of those relationship movies that makes me so thankful that I'm already married and don't have to go through the stupidity of dating. There are many moments of cringe-worthy arguments and uncomfortable exchanges that make this movie equally uncomfortable to watch. It is very funny, but also extremely raunchy, there are some heart-warming moments and other moment that make you say "what just happened there?" It's a mediocre movie at best, but it will give you several good laughs.
Rated PG-13
Stars: Joel Kinnaman, Gray Oldman, Michael Keaton, Samuel L. Jackson
Plot: In the near future, technology allows for OmniCorp to create a human/robot hybrid cop to fight out-of-control crime.
Clint Says: Wait until after opening weekend, but see it in theaters
This movie is leaps and bounds better than it's predecessor. The graphics are obviously better, but so is the story. This is a classic style action flick, but it has a large focus on the ethics of the situation as well as biting commentary on the ridiculous 24-hour news shows so prevalent today.
Keaton and Oldman's characters are well juxtaposed and add a level of tension and thought usually not seen in action movies. Samuel L. Jackson plays the role of news caster/salesman so well you almost fall for his pitch. If you are in the mood for an action film, this is as good a choice as any.
Rated PG-13
Stars: Gabriella Wilde, Alex Pettyfer, Bruce Greenwood
Plot: A rich girl and a boy from the wrong side of the tracks fall for each other while her parents try to break them apart.
Clint Says: Save some money and go to a matinee
ENDLESS LOVE is significantly better than the trailers let on. There are multiple story lines that are compelling. They've tried to market this movie as a teen love story, and at it's base it is, but there is so much more to it than that. It is funny, romantic, heartbreaking and suspenseful.
Bruce Greenwood plays a perfect over-protective father on the verge of losing his cool at any moment. Alex Pettyfer plays a great bad-kid-gone-good. Overall, I'd have to say this is a perfect date movie.
Rated PG-13
Stars: Colin Farrell, Jessica Brown Findlay, Russell Crowe
Plot: A criminal falls for a woman as she dies, he then uses his power of reincarnation to find her.
Clint Says: No review yet
The studio did not do any media screenings or early releases of this movie. If you get a chance to see it, please leave your comments in the comments section. I'd love to know what you thought of it.